Electronic Music Theory Book
amici della computer music, musica elettronica e interattiva, amanti del suono, matematica e teoria dei segnali… facendo ordine ho ritrovato questa piccola bibbia sulla Musica Elettronica, scritta niente popodimeno che da Miller Puckette (MIT Media Lab e poi IRCAM dove creò Pure Data da cui è stato poi sviluppato Max/MSP). da giovane ho lavorato molto in questo mondo che consiglio a chiunque voglia approfondire la Musica Interattiva.
come tutti i grandi, il libro è una risorsa free per tutti (online html o PDF) a questo indirizzo:
se spulciate il suo ito, troverete anche tutti i video dei corsi che ha tenuti negli ultimi anni, tra cui:
- Compositional algorithms
- Musical Acoustics
- Survey of Electronic Music Techniques II
- Computer Music
- Real-time computer music software design
- Feedback and Distortion
- Stored and Live Control Streams for Real-time Electronic Music
- Fourier analysis, synthesis, and processing
- The voice as musical instrument
- Inside Pure Data
- Analysis of Musical Sound
- Compositional algorithms
trascrivo qui l’indice del libro giusto per stuzzicare i ricercatori.
Sinusoids, amplitude and frequency
- Measures of Amplitude
- Units of Amplitude
- Controlling Amplitude
- Frequency
- Synthesizing a sinusoid
- Superposing Signals
- Periodic Signals
- About the Software Examples
- Quick Introduction to Pd
- How to find and run the examples
- Examples
- Constant amplitude scaler
- Amplitude control in decibels
- Smoothed amplitude control with an envelope generator
- Major triad
- Conversion between frequency and pitch
- More additive synthesis
Wavetables and samplers
- The Wavetable Oscillator
- Sampling
- Enveloping samplers
- Timbre stretching
- Interpolation
- Examples
- Wavetable oscillator
- Wavetable lookup in general
- Using a wavetable as a sampler
- Looping samplers
- Overlapping sample looper
- Automatic read point precession
Audio and control computations
- The sampling theorem
- Control
- Control streams
- Converting from audio signals to numeric control streams
- Control streams in block diagrams
- Event detection
- Audio signals as control
- Operations on control streams
- Control operations in Pd
- Examples
- Sampling and foldover
- Converting controls to signals
- Non-looping wavetable player
- Signals to controls
- Analog-style sequencer
- MIDI-style synthesizer
Automation and voice management
- Envelope Generators
- Linear and Curved Amplitude Shapes
- Continuous and discontinuous control changes
- Muting
- Switch-and-ramp
- Polyphony
- Voice allocation
- Voice tags
- Encapsulation in Pd
- Examples
- ADSR envelope generator
- Transfer functions for amplitude control
- Additive synthesis: Risset’s bell
- Additive synthesis: spectral envelope control
- Polyphonic synthesis: sampler
- Taxonomy of spectra
- Multiplying audio signals
- Waveshaping
- Frequency and phase modulation
- Examples
- Ring modulation and spectra
- Octave divider and formant adder
- Waveshaping and difference tones
- Waveshaping using Chebychev polynomials
- Waveshaping using an exponential function
- Sinusoidal waveshaping: evenness and oddness
- Phase modulation and FM
Designer spectra
- Carrier/modulator model
- Pulse trains
- Pulse trains via waveshaping
- Pulse trains via wavetable stretching
- Resulting spectra
- Movable ring modulation
- Phase-aligned formant (PAF) generator
- Examples
- Wavetable pulse train
- Simple formant generator
- Two-cosine carrier signal
- The PAF generator
- Stretched wavetables
Time shifts and delays
- Complex numbers
- Complex sinusoids
- Time shifts and phase changes
- Delay networks
- Recirculating delay networks
- Power conservation and complex delay networks
- Artificial reverberation
- Controlling reverberators
- Variable and fractional shifts
- Fidelity of interpolating delay lines
- Pitch shifting
- Examples
- Fixed, noninterpolating delay line
- Recirculating comb filter
- Variable delay line
- Order of execution and lower limits on delay times
- Order of execution in non-recirculating delay lines
- Non-recirculating comb filter as octave doubler
- Time-varying complex comb filter: shakers
- Reverberator
- Pitch shifter
- Taxonomy of filters
- Low-pass and high-pass filters
- Band-pass and stop-band filters
- Equalizing filters
- Elementary filters
- Elementary non-recirculating filter
- Non-recirculating filter, second form
- Elementary recirculating filter
- Compound filters
- Real outputs from complex filters
- Two recirculating filters for the price of one
- Designing filters
- One-pole low-pass filter
- One-pole, one-zero high-pass filter
- Shelving filter
- Band-pass filter
- Peaking and stop-band filter
- Butterworth filters
- Stretching the unit circle with rational functions
- Butterworth band-pass filter
- Time-varying coefficients
- Impulse responses of recirculating filters
- All-pass filters
- Applications
- Subtractive synthesis
- Envelope following
- Single Sideband Modulation
- Examples
- Prefabricated low-, high-, and band-pass filters
- Prefabricated time-varying band-pass filter
- Envelope followers
- Single sideband modulation
- Using elementary filters directly: shelving and peaking
- Making and using all-pass filters
Fourier analysis and resynthesis
- Fourier analysis of periodic signals
- Periodicity of the Fourier transform
- Fourier transform as additive synthesis
- Properties of Fourier transforms
- Fourier transform of DC
- Shifts and phase changes
- Fourier transform of a sinusoid
- Fourier analysis of non-periodic signals
- Fourier analysis and reconstruction of audio signals
- Narrow-band companding
- Timbre stamping (classical vocoder)
- Phase
- Phase relationships between channels
- Phase bashing
- Examples
- Fourier analysis and resynthesis in Pd
- Narrow-band companding: noise suppression
- Timbre stamp (“vocoder”)
- Phase vocoder time bender
Classical waveforms
- Symmetries and Fourier series
- Sawtooth waves and symmetry
- Dissecting classical waveforms
- Fourier series of the elementary waveforms
- Sawtooth wave
- Parabolic wave
- Square and symmetric triangle waves
- General (non-symmetric) triangle wave
- Predicting and controlling foldover
- Over-sampling
- Sneaky triangle waves
- Transition splicing
- Examples
- Combining sawtooth waves
- Strategies for band-limiting sawtooth waves